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5 Minutes for Books hosts a monthly meme called "What's on Your Nightstand?" so here's what is currently next to my bed, after the changeover from last week.
This week Finding Favor With the King is finally getting the attention it deserves. My friend and I are going to be reading this book together. I am FULLY enjoying the devotional that goes along with it and would highly recommend it (Daily Inspiration for Finding Favor with the King). The devotional breaks things up into manageable pieces and it's enough to give me something to think about over the course of my day.
I finished up For You Alone by Susan Kaye, a book that is told from the point of view of Captain Frederick Wentworth, Anne Elliot's love in Persuasion (Jane Austen). I really enjoyed Susan Kaye's first book in this series and waited for this one to be released. I wasn't as crazy about it as I was the first (she sometimes switches and tells the story from Anne's perspective), but I have this love for Austen's characters and thinking that I am getting a little more of the story is something that I really enjoy!
I am also still working through The Mentoring Mom and really enjoying what I have read so far. :) And I'm waiting on the library to call me with a few books that I would really like to have sitting next to me...or perhaps I should just focus on the other stuff...sigh.
Here's the current stack next to my bed:
- The Mentoring Mom: 11 Ways to Model Christ for Your Child - Jackie Kendall
- Finding Favor with the King: Daily Inspirations- Tenney
- Finding Favor with the King - Tenney
And thanks to Scribbit, I am going to check into one of those DuMaurier books too! :)