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“If we are doing the Lord’s work, we can know our efforts are not in vain. Whether we are building a tent for the neighborhood children, cooking a tasty meal for a sick neighbor, or serving our own sick child with a tray of appealing goodies, we are teaching our children what it means to serve with hardworking hands.”
~ Sally Clarkson, Ministry of Motherhood, p. 200
I think of all things, my biggest frustration with service lies in one simple word ~ selfishness. It is so terribly simple to fall back into the mindset of ‘no one appreciates all that I am doing for them’. How often do I forget that I am called to serve not only those in my community, but especially those that are in my immediate surroundings.
Instead, there is much mumbling under my breath about the ingratitude of certain children, a husband who at times seems to not notice something I did especially for him, etc, etc, ad naseum. Service at its finest, I tell ya. An excellent model for my children, no?
And I wonder where they get the stinky attitude from when they are asked to serve others with a smile. Ouch.
I have most definitely been convicted this week and motivated to remember that all that I am doing is as to Christ. In serving my family with joy, I am honoring God and instilling a deeper {and correct} view of service in my children.
“As we launch our children into life from the sanctuary of our homes, the intangible gifts of God will go with them and help equip them for His service. In this, the ministry of motherhood will find its completion.”
~ Sally Clarkson, Ministry of Motherhood, p. 209-210

I have enjoyed the last 12 weeks IMMENSELY and so appreciate the emails, Blog Frog comments and more that you all have shared as we read through Ministry of Motherhood together. I hope and pray that it has been a time that you have learned so much more about what God has for you in your role as a mother.
If you’ve been reading along over the last few weeks/months, would you leave a comment today and let me know what one thing impacted you the MOST in reading Ministry of Motherhood? I’d love to hear YOUR thoughts!!