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Lately I've been on a Jane Austen kick. Books. Movies. Sadly, even the soundtracks. It isn't helping any that PBS has been running Austen flicks on Sunday nights as a part of their "Masterpiece Theatre."
It has not been good. I already owned the A&E version of Pride and Prejudice (and by far the best version, mind you), and before buying any other movies based on her novels, I decided to read the books that were associated with the movies again. Just to get a better feel for the ones that followed the books most closely. Here are my top four picks (at the moment).

I forced myself (truthfully, Rick was gone so I didn't quite force myself) to watch the Kiera Knightly version of Pride and Prejudice - and while I loved the scenery and music (the soundtrack is one of many in my Amazon cart), I will have to pass on that movie version. Sadly, Colin Firth is forever in my heart as Mr. Darcy (deep sigh).

Next on the list: Persuasion. If you haven't read this book, it is so lovely. My movie choice to accompany this book is the A&E version once again.

I rushed back to the library (and why I don't own all of Jane Austen's books is beyond me) and borrowed Emma. I already own the version with Gwenyth Paltrow and while I love some of the filming in that version, I also borrowed the A&E version and LOVED it! Yes, the characters aren't as "handsome" and big-names, but it stayed so much truer to the book and the characters themselves (in my opinion that is). And now, I have two versions (my husband can roll his eyes here).

Today I finished reading Sense and Sensibility. Just in time to see BBC's newest version begin on PBS - and so far, I am loving it. Of course, I am going to have to find some time this week to watch the version with Kate Winslet again so I can compare, but I have already pre-purchased the new version by BBC through Amazon. Sad, but true. Another two copy movie.
I'm a sucker for a good movie. I admit it. And to prove it, I'm probably going to go broke. I'm only comforting myself in that my children can someday watch these movies (safely) and I am sure my girls will love them as much as I do.
And many books and movies left to read and watch?