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How, oh how, might I possibly relate those two?
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How, oh how, might I possibly relate those two?This post may contain affiliate or advertiser links. Read my full disclosure policy here.
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Before they were out of their room the other morning, the girls were having a rather heated conversation.Head on over to Mary's at Not Before 7 for some more Tiny Talk Tuesday!
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It never ceases to amaze me in our house how quickly conversations can go from being very serious to oddly strange in just a few moments.This post may contain affiliate or advertiser links. Read my full disclosure policy here.
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While security in our house might not quite be on par with Alcatraz, we do have certain lockdowns as safety precautions: padlocks on medicine cabinets (yes, I'm serious), matching combination locks on our backyard fence (which Zachary can climb over anyway), and a very effective child safety knob on our main entry door that most adults cannot open.This post may contain affiliate or advertiser links. Read my full disclosure policy here.
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My husband is feigning sleep. Because I am trying to convince him that it would be FUN for him to write a post on this blog. A sort of "He Says, She Says" on how we met. He has a small grin on his face and doesn't quite seem convinced.This post may contain affiliate or advertiser links. Read my full disclosure policy here.
Write different numbers in the bottoms of the bowls (1-5) assigning "points" to each bowl. Once the pool is filled, float the bowls/plates in the pool and let the kids take turns tossing the sponges into the bowls, earning points. The kiddo with the most points wins.
This game lasted for about 10 minutes and then it turned into several different things for the kids. Zachary had a great time trying to toss the sponges in and identify the numbers. McKenna and Laurianna were trying to add and skip count as they tossed theirs in. Kaleb just kept trying to grab everything or throw anything else into the pool.
Then the kids figured out that the wet sponges make some lovely wet shapes. On Mommy. So we spent about twenty minutes with Mommy being chased around the yard screaming and soaking wet, until the hose came out in my defense and then the screaming was reversed.
I tell ya' - it's quick, painless and pretty cheap when it comes down to it. And you can't beat that!
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We were sitting at breakfast the other morning and Zachary started choking on his drink. Laurianna quickly piped up, "It must have gone down his breathing hole."This post may contain affiliate or advertiser links. Read my full disclosure policy here.
How about my foot?This post may contain affiliate or advertiser links. Read my full disclosure policy here.
My mom was able to visit for a few days this past week. And it was such a welcome visit. We haven't seen her since last May when we were up visiting (she lives 12 hours away). My dad has been living with us since February 2007 as they are in process of moving to live near us.Mom spent time playing with the girls during their rest time and after she had left yesterday I talked to the girls, who were playing with some dollhouses we bought them for Christmas. They play with them occassionally - rarely enough to make me consider dropping them off at a local thrift store. Over the last few days though, they have played very actively with them. I asked the girls about it and tried so hard not to laugh when Laurianna responded, head drooping (literally) and ever-so-despondently, "We just never knew how much fun they could be until Oma showed us."
Do you know what my Mom was playing with them? Robbers and thieves. Those poor little Sweet Streets characters will never be the same again.
It truly made me realize how much I miss my Mom - and can't wait for her to be here near us.
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You can forget those costly injections. My friend was kind enough to supply me with a one-time prescription for this great "pharmeceutical".CONFECTIONER ONLY REMEDY: KEEP OUT OF REACH OF CHOCOHOLICS
Warning: May cause weight gain if used incorrectly
Directions: Simply break off the desired dosage and consume. You should quickly be overcome by stress-relieving endorphines and no longer concerned in the slightest about your wrinkles.
NOT TO BE TAKEN seriously.
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I think I need to invest in some new perfume. Or something.This post may contain affiliate or advertiser links. Read my full disclosure policy here.
Every time that Kaleb has a "first" happen, I am reminded that there is also a "last" taking place. Since he is the last little one that we will have, it makes all the things he is learning just a little more special. And at the same time makes me relish each moment for what it is.This post may contain affiliate or advertiser links. Read my full disclosure policy here.
It's just been one of those days. Profoundly so.This post may contain affiliate or advertiser links. Read my full disclosure policy here.
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I bought the kids AlphaBits cereal and gave it to them for breakfast. Zachary was ever-so-excited about the letters and a few minutes later he called for me to come to the table and see what he had spelled.This post may contain affiliate or advertiser links. Read my full disclosure policy here.
We are blessed to have a local library that does a summer reading challenge for kids, and our kids were so excited to participate.This post may contain affiliate or advertiser links. Read my full disclosure policy here.
I opened up my freezer the other day to find this:This post may contain affiliate or advertiser links. Read my full disclosure policy here.
I am so avoiding "that talk" with my kids. Part-fear. Part-dread. Call me wimpy if you will, but knowing the barrage of questions that Laurianna will inevitably ask, I am avoiding it as long as possible.Blog Design by: Relevant Designs