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Since we are finished with school now, for some crazy reason I thought life might be a little more low-key.
Not so much.
Despite the fact that I am doing less in the homeschool realm, I seem to be more tired. And how does that work again? It does, however, contribute to my lack of motivation in blogging. :) Things got a little crazy a few weeks ago with Zachary and we're still in the midst of working some of the things out.
Zachary woke up screaming around 1am about 2 weeks ago. And by screaming, I mean SCREAMING. Panic-filled, shrieking - just what you want to be woken up by. He was convinced that there were bugs crawling all over him. He kept hitting himself, trying to shoo them away. Pointing them out on the floor. Refusing to go back to sleep. And yes, he was definitely fully awake.
My patience at first was absolutely stellar. Model mom, that's me. And about 15 minutes later it started waning. Four HOURS later, it was pretty well shot. I hadn't slept. Zachary hadn't slept. Fun, fun, fun. He finally fell asleep in our bed after Rick got up for work around 6 and slept for a little bit.
When I say he was convinced about there being bugs, it was to the point that he wouldn't even go into his room during the day the next day. The girls were so sweet getting the things he wanted, but he refused to step foot in the room.
Over the last two weeks we've been waging back and forth between his being scared, not-as-scared, doors open, trying anything and everything we can think of to get him past this. And some moments we are much more patient and gracious than others. He hasn't been waking up at night anymore, but we are still dealing with getting him to go to bed happily and just praying that those bed bugs don't make another appearance.
Dealing with new house nightmares here...patience can wear thin...good luck girl!