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I’m getting into a ‘groove’ of sorts with reading my Bible, especially in larger chunks. In some ways, I am really surprised that it we’ve finished 4 weeks of the challenge already. That’s 1/3 of the reading! I'm still about 2 days ahead, but that fluctuates and gives me a little buffer. :)
I never seem to have the right notebook with me when I’m reading, so I am forever scribbling notes on scrap pieces of paper or dog-earing pages that I want to check back on later.
I had to laugh out loud at my own notes this week though. I’ve been twittering back and forth with some of the other people participating in the B90 Challenge and apparently have Twitter on the brain. Yesterday while writing my notes for my reading, I titled my page ~ Notes for Week 4 #B90days. Sad that my notes reflect Twitter hashtags. :)
Anyway, here are a few lots of the things that I found interesting this week:
- Felt bad for the 3 guys who broke through enemy lines to get King David some of the water he longed for ~ and then he poured it out on the ground. I know there’s more to the story, but can you just picture the looks on their faces when David did that ~ after their risky covert operation?
- The list of names in Chronicles was oh-so-long at times, so I injected a little fun by searching out the women who were mentioned in the lineage and underlined/circled their names. Because you know they were special if they were mentioned, right?
- NEVER knew there was a real-life woman named Sheerah. Who was important enough to mention in the lineage because she built two cities!! She WAS a She-rah!
- Spent some time wondering what Asherah poles were, since all these crazy kings didn’t tear them down or erected them in the temple next to the altar. Did a little googling on the term and think I have a fairly good understanding now ~ basically, another form of idolatry.
- Used this list of the kings from Israel/Judah to track the good and bad kings in 1&2 Kings and 1&2 Chronicles. Interesting…very interesting.
- Cheered out loud when I was reading about Hezekiah. Such a good king who actually tore down all the idols and followed after God ~ especially since his father was so evil and did much to destroy things.
- Waited for lighting to strike Ahaz when he made a replica of a pagan altar and then put it in the temple. It didn’t.
- Even though Chronicles is much of a repeat of Kings, there are still some ‘gaps’ that are filled in some storylines. Kings never mentions that David did the bulk of the prep work for building the temple by collecting materials and having them ready for Solomon.
- Find the wording in two similar passages about the census David took very interesting. 2 Samuel 24:1 says that “he {God} caused David to harm them {the Israelites} by taking a census. ‘Go and count the people of Israel and Judah,’ the Lord told him.” 1 Chronicles 21:11 says "Satan rose up against Israel and caused David to take a census.” So who was it? :)
- Loved 2 Chronicles 5:13-14 when the temple was being dedicated and God’s presence filled the temple and no one could continue working because of it. How absolutely amazing would that be??
- And off on a completely random tangent, can you imagine how long it would take to follow all of the specific Levitical guidelines to properly sacrifice 22,000 oxen and 122,000 sheep. Those priests would have been exhausted after all that {and hopefully had an extra garment or two to wear after all that sacrificing}.
Next week I’ll be doing a weekly sum-up here, but I will also be guest posting at Mom’s Toolbox!! If I’m SUPER brave, I might even be vlogging ~ who knows? :) You’ll just have to tune in and see!
Be sure to visit Mom's Toolbox today and read some thoughts from Ted Cooper, Jr. who founded the 90 Days ministry. There is a link to a survey there also about the B90 program. :) If you are interested in learning more about the 90 Day Bible reading challenge, you can read more about it at Mom’s Toolbox. You can also download your own printable reading bookmark if you want to join along in the challenge ~ you can start at any time because the bookmark isn’t dated. :)
Be sure to visit Mom's Toolbox today and read some thoughts from Ted Cooper, Jr. who founded the 90 Days ministry. There is a link to a survey there also about the B90 program. :) If you are interested in learning more about the 90 Day Bible reading challenge, you can read more about it at Mom’s Toolbox. You can also download your own printable reading bookmark if you want to join along in the challenge ~ you can start at any time because the bookmark isn’t dated. :)

Thanks for commenting on my blog! You are managing to find time to really meditate on these readings!
ReplyDeleteI am really enjoying reading your Bible in 90 days posts. Well done to you! I am reading the Bible in a year again, thought about signing up for this but know it would never happen at the moment. Some great thoughts of yours. I love the detail you get sometimes, like Jacob lifting his feet into bed and then dying at the end of Genesis. We serve an amazing God.
ReplyDeleteSarah (longish time follower of your blogs, but a quiet one!)
I think it is so great that you're doing this. I will have to refer back to your notes when I get to these places during my bible reading.
ReplyDeleteWay to stay ahead.. I am about a week behind!! My goal this week is to get caught up.. kinda an ambitious goal.. but I am determined to do this! How fun that you will be guest posting.. can't wait to read or listen/watch it :-)
ReplyDeleteI love your observations.. and questions! Thanks for sharing them with us. And, of course, I am eager to hear what you have to say next week about your overall experience so far. :)
ReplyDeleteKeep up with that groove!
Just said a wee prayer for you and yours. Well done you keeping ahead of the reading!
I am so proud of you for doing this!
ReplyDeleteThe story about the 3 guys with the water... I NEVER understood that and thought David did the dumbest thing by pouring it out, UNTIL one April when we were living in San Diego and a young Christian who was in our small group made a birthday cake for me. She had never ever made a birthday cake before, but she made a heart-shaped one for me. I was so moved that I almost felt like David and didn't even want to eat it because it was almost holy. I was humbled and felt unworthy, and that probably doesn't make a lick of sense to anyone else. But for the first time, I felt something of what David must have felt when given that water.