Friday, February 25, 2011

The Written Word ~ Little Leaps of Love

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"To send a letter is a good way to go somewhere

without moving anything but your heart. "

~Phyllis Theroux

While the spoken word is very powerful, the written word can be immensely more so. It's something that you can tangibly hold onto. Read and reread. Savor each word. Tuck it away to pull it out on a really bad day. I have letters and special notes from my husband and friends that I have saved over the years and still go back too.

Other than quick notes on a sticky for my husband or the occasional card with a few lines written for a birthday or holiday, I rarely actually write letters anymore. To anyone. Especially my husband.

When was the last time that you actually wrote your husband a letter? More than two or three lines? Letting him know that you love him. Appreciate him. Admire him. Desire him? I'll admit it's been too long here. And about time for my husband to find one tucked away somewhere today at some point.

Today's little leap of love? Write that wonderful husband of yours an honest-to-goodness letter. A letter that focuses on him and all the reasons that you fell in love with him in the first place. And why you still love him!

Points for this leap of love: 40 points. Give yourself a bonus 40 if you are brave, daring and write him a POEM instead!

Because you might need more than 5 minutes to sit down for this Little Leap, you can use the weekend to complete it!!

Note: Roses are red, violets are blue - does not count as a poem... but nice try! :)


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Join us during the month of February for Little Leaps of Love ~ daily ideas of little things that we can do to show our family a little bit of love in a simple, but fun way. It’s not to late to join in with Little Leaps of Love! Find out more about the challenge {and the prizes} here.  Download the ‘Little Leaps of Love’ Point Tracker to keep track of your points this month too!

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