Thursday, July 21, 2011

The Process of Discipline ~ Ministry of Motherhood Week 10

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“No discipline is enjoyable while it is happening ~ it is painful! But afterward there will be a quiet harvest of right living for those who are trained in this way.”

~ Hebrews 12:11

This past week’s reading {chapters 15 and 16 in Ministry of Motherhood} talked about training our children in prayer and for difficult times. One of the questions for thought asked if we can think of areas/issues with our children where we tend to ‘back off’ from discipline because the process is uncomfortable.

Oh….yes. Yes. Yes.

Not just one, but many. Depending on the child, there can be a variety of issues that seriously make me just want to curl up in bed, stick headphones in my ears and hope it resolves itself.

Which it doesn’t, so really, you think that I’d learn.

Before we became parents, so many of us had lofty ideas of how we would discipline our children and never do this or that….or always do something specific {please tell me this wasn’t just me???}. The reality of it is, parenting is exhausting. Tiring. Emotionally draining and seriously one of the most difficult jobs there is.

And I’m sure my parents will be ever-so-happy to hear me say this ~ I do NOT have all the answers. Just when I think we *may* have an issue figured out with one of our kids, something else gets thrown into the mix. I get confused as to how to respond since each child is different, frustrated with attitudes {mine and theirs}, and most days wish that there was a detailed instruction booklet that came specific to each of my children so that I could apply solution ‘B’ when problem ‘A’ happens. Problem solved.

Discipline can be a stinky thing. It requires persistence. Sometimes it is overwhelming ~ but I know I can do all things through HIM who gives me strength.

This week we’re heading out for a quiet week with Rick’s family and I think that he and I will be spending some time talking about specific areas that we need to hone in on with our kids and lovingly be persistent with our kids ~ because there are definitely a few we can tackle. :)

“…But afterward there will be a quiet harvest of right living for those who are trained in this way.”  Hebrews 12:11

A few links…


~ My Blog Frog forums ~ several threads are going where we’re talking about the daily S.O.A.P. and our thoughts on the part of the book we’re reading.

~ Good Morning Girls Ministry of Motherhood posts


With all that said ~ start linking up and sharing what God showed you this week!

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