Monday, June 18, 2012

The 10 Minute Squirrel House {not really}

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All morning long, Zachary had been mulling over plans in his head to build a squirrel house. He was certain that with all of the scrap wood in Rick’s workshop area he had more than enough to build a habit for the gray critters.

He insisted it would take him only 10 minutes.

Later in the morning I heard the banging on the hammer. Knowing Rick wasn’t home, I immediately ran downstairs to see what was going on. Zachary had pulled out nails, the hammer, a pile of scraps and he started his building project.


Twenty minutes later I came downstairs to find him practically in tears. He hadn’t even managed to get one nail completely through a piece of wood. It was bent. He was a little more than frustrated.

Hours and hours later, he kept at the project, determined to get it looking like he envisioned {apparently having his shirt off helps him work better}.


He even brought the ‘big guns’ out and pulled c-clamps from the workshop.


And the finished product was filled with birdseed, written on with sharpie:

“Squirrls Only! NO Birds!



As much as I love my son and his workmanship, the feeder was removed from our porch. I’ve been trying desperately to get the squirrels OFF our porch and away from our bird feeders, so we found a place in the trees where the squirrels could feast to their heart’s content…away from my house.

One day of summer down ~ how many more to occupy?

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